Montalcino 564 Lino Candle
Tuscany in April is one of my favorite timings on the countryside. There is a sense of new beginnings in the air. Olive trees are being chopped so they can start blossoming again, wineries are filled with fires: ‘brusciare la terra’ or ‘ burning the earth’ to make the ground fertile again for upcoming harvest in September and October.
Pasqua ( Easter) is a big event here, comparible to even Christmas maybe. Towners will be all dressed up, sipping their prosecco on the streets after church and their giant family pranzo. You can still breathe easily and your lungs fill up with the freshness of nature. Tourists are scarce so you are being welcomed as their longtime friend.
My children play in the garden while new pine trees are being planted, no need to watch our for snakes or spiders. It’s like slowly waking up after a very long, cold winter. To get ready for a very hot, intense summer. @montalcino564 did capture all of these feelings and memories into one scent: the Lino Montalcino564 candle. Available in store and online. 🌱🕯